Big Bad – Chandler Baker

There’s an order to these things, a way that events must unfold.

Sam knows all too well what can happen when things don’t go to plan so he makes sure everything is done just right. What’s not part of the plan, though, is his wife, Rachel, arriving home late.

With wolves too close for comfort and an unexpected visitor at the door, thing are about to go bad, in a big way.

While I was here for the horror, unexpected bonuses came in the form of Odie and June, Sam and Rachel’s daughters. Odie tries to be a good big sister, despite June being June. As I waited for the inescapable bloodshed, Odie warmed my heart. She’s determined to protect her younger sister from something neither of them understand and I was in awe of her courage.

“There are things we’ve never told you.”

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Amazon Original Stories for the opportunity to read this short story.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Once Upon a Blurb

For a family trying to make an isolated farmhouse into a home, fear and rage are getting harder to control in a primal short story by the New York Times bestselling author of Whisper Network and Cutting Teeth.

The Strauss family is on knife’s edge. Sam is a resentful stay-at-home dad. Rachel feels the restlessness in her blood returning. Their children are getting out of hand. And a recent mudslide has forced the wolves out of the woods to look for food.

As dusk falls and tensions rise, the family must come together to survive the night —from the threats outside and those within.

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