It Waits in the Woods – Josh Malerman

No matter how unbelievable they are, some stories ring true.

Legend says that the demon imp who owns the white and yellow bridge is searching for a replacement for its lost face.

Brenda was fifteen when her sister, Amanda, went missing. Three years later, Brenda decides it’s time to chase the myth. She grabs some supplies and heads into the forest. She doesn’t tell anyone where she’s going.

Along with her recording equipment, Brenda also brings Larry the mannequin, because apparently traipsing in the forest alone in search of a demon imp isn’t scary enough for her.

Myth and reality collide in this story of grief and guilt. I loved Brenda’s tenacity. I wanted to spend more time in the cave and need to know what happens next. I’d be keen to read about the events from Amanda’s point of view.

“Do you have my face?”

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Amazon Original Stories for the opportunity to read this short story.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Once Upon a Blurb

Some chilling campfire tales ring too true to ignore. For one young woman, an urban legend calls her into the woods in a spine-tingling short story by the bestselling author of Bird Box.

The dense Michigan forest. Haunting wails. The clip-clop of demon hooves on a bridge to nowhere. It’s more than a tall tale to Brenda Jennings, whose sister disappeared in those woods one fateful night. Three years later, on a solo stakeout in the dark, Brenda goes in after her. She’s desperate for answers, and terrified to find what lies waiting on the other side of that bridge.

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