Graveyard Girls #2: Scream for the Camera – Lisi Harrison & Daniel Kraus

Illustrations – Flavia Sorrentino

“Come, ghost,

Come, monster,

Come, devilkin,

Tonight’s story is about to begin.”

The Graveyard Girls are trying to make contact with Silas Hoke, Misery Falls infamous murderer. The mystery surrounding him was amped up when they recently found his grave. His empty grave.

A missing corpse that had yet to be un-missing.

They tried reaching him via Ouija board and they made contact, just not with Silas.

I like all of the Graveyard Girls but enjoy spending time with them even more when they’re all together. That’s when we get to hear their scary stories, after all. The story in this book is photography based, ‘Scream for the Camera’, and it’s a fun, creepy one.

Each girl is dealing with something difficult in this book.

Something weird is happening.

Sophie has a crush. Although I’m not anti bad boy, I was very anti the way he was treating Sophie and not the hugest fan of how this part of the story resolved.

Gemma is busy working off her G-Tone mistake.

Whisper is on the hunt for a grave robber. Her investigation begins at home.

Frannie dreams of stardom. It’s a shame about the theatre curse.

Zuzu’s old friends don’t know about her new friends yet but that’s the least of her problems. It’s very possible that she’s possessed.

I love the focus on friendship and the overarching mystery, which I’m guessing will continue over the course of the series. Gemma’s story was my favourite in this book.

I would have absolutely adored this series as a kid and, to be honest, probably would have found it scary at times. I’m keen to see how the individual stories and the mystery surrounding Silas Hoke play out.

Favourite no context quote:

“We don’t have time to be eaten by a plant!”

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Union Square Kids, an imprint of Union Square & Co., for the opportunity to read this book.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Once Upon a Blurb

It’s been a month since the events of 1-2-3-4, I Declare a Thumb War, when the Graveyard Girls — Gemma, Whisper, Sophie, Frannie, and Zuzu — discovered Silas Hoke’s empty grave. A month, and no answers. That changes when messages from the other side start to creep up on the Graveyard Girls. Gemma’s good-luck charm. The skull in Whisper’s spilled milk. Sophie’s vanishing phone. Frannie’s theater curse. And Zuzu’s possessed Jōurnal. Who is trying to reach them … and why?

The good news: There might be one person with some answers. The bad news: She’s a mortician … with a deadly secret.

Speaking of bad news, straight-A Sophie is quickly sliding down the scale to becoming a B-flat friend. She is spending way more time hanging out with “Danger Me” and way less time with the Graveyard Girls and her schoolwork. Will her scary story be enough to win back her pals, or will her picture-perfect life become the ultimate photo bomb?

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