Welcome to Consent – Yumi Stynes & Dr. Melissa Kang

Illustrations – Jenny Latham

They didn’t make books like this when I was a kid. I can’t tell you how relieved I am that this is no longer the case, that kids now have easy access to information that empowers them and teaches them about boundaries.

I love that this book doesn’t even get into consent specifically related to dating and sexual activity until about halfway through. The focus before that is teaching about how consent relates to all aspects of our lives, beginning with using the example of whether you are willing to loan a t-shirt to someone.

There’s information about how other people need to seek your consent but it also talks about your responsibility in making sure you obtain consent as well. Consent is clearly explained as a two way street.

Learning how to ask, being ready to hear the answer (whatever it is), and saying yes or no yourself are all big skills.

Through multiple examples, you learn what is and isn’t consent, and how a pressured yes isn’t a yes at all. It’s about enthusiastic consent.

Enthusiastic consent looks beyond words and takes into account how someone really feels about a situation, even if they’re not comfortable expressing it.

Consent education in Australian schools only became mandatory in 2023 and there are entire generations who grew up with no one telling them that even thinking about what was and wasn’t okay with them was an option.

Sex education at my school consisted of a single awkward class where an embarrassed teacher put a bunch of slides on the projector in front of students who were also embarrassed but busy pretending they knew everything there was to know already. Outside of that, I had Dolly Doctor, which was great when they answered questions I had but not so great when they didn’t. I needed more than one avenue for finding this information.

I would have absolutely benefited from reading this book as a kid and then again as a teenager.

Given the authors are Australian (and one is Dolly Doctor herself!), I was surprised when I was presented with American helplines at the end of the book. While I’m thrilled that my library purchased this book, it would be been even better if they’d purchased the edition that was published in Australia.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Once Upon a Blurb

An inclusive, frank and funny guide to navigating consent for tweens and teens of all genders, from the award-winning authors of Welcome To Your Period.

Adolescent health experts Dr Melissa Kang and Yumi Stynes have written the only guide you need to figuring out the rules of consent. Whether you’re a curious 11 to 14-year-old, or the parent of someone with a bunch of questions, this book is reassuring, interesting, and full of the info you need!

I’m ready for this book if: 

  • I’m curious about how consent works. 
  • I will get a haircut or visit the doctor on my own one day. 
  • I think I might kiss someone or have a relationship in the future (even if I’m not ready to yet). 
  • I don’t know how to actually TALK about consent. 
  • It’s hard to say no. 
  • I don’t know when to say yes. 
  • I find consent confusing!

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