Tales from Lovecraft Middle School #1: Professor Gargoyle – Charles Gilman

Illustrations – Eugene Smith

“If you’re looking for normal,” a voice said, “you’ve come to the wrong place.”

Robert is starting seventh grade at the newly opened Lovecraft Middle School, complete with swimming pool! The only person he recognises in a sea of unfamiliar faces is Glenn, his elementary school bully. It figures.

For a brand new building, there sure seem to be a lot of rats in the lockers and it’s odd that the school library attic smells like mothballs, but never mind that. There’s nothing to see here…

Nothing to see here

And now that I think about it, there’s something not quite right about Professor Goyle, Robert’s science teacher. Hold on. Is he about to eat — ew!!

It’s a good thing Robert has a new friend, Karina. I’m not sure why she’s not in any of his classes, though.

Robert is a relatable main character. He’s a bookworm waiting for his supernatural powers to kick in. He has a really intelligent pet rat. Rat? Rats? I’ll leave it up to you to decide.

I was hoping to find out arachnophobe Karina’s backstory from the moment I met her. It didn’t disappoint. I’m keen to learn more about Glenn because there’s more to him than gummy worms. I really hope Mr Loomis, the English teacher, is a goodie.

Four years passed between me deciding I needed to read this series and starting to read this series. That’s kinda depressing. On the upside, a bunch of my Kindle books have had their hope renewed today.

Kid me would have devoured this book once they stopped being mesmerised by the morphing photo portrait on the cover. Adult me read the Kindle version and now needs to see the book cover so the mesmerising can commence.

I really enjoyed Eugene Smith’s illustrations. They really brought out the creepy and the kooky. I loved the one that showed Professor Goyle having a snack in his classroom.

“This is just getting stranger and stranger.”

The end of this book hints at the direction the next book is going to take and I’m keen to see the fun play out.

So, why is this book called Professor Gargoyle when the Professor’s name is Goyle? His first name is Garfield so Gar Goyle. Although I think I prefer my version. I imagine his students seeing him in the hallway and warning their friends he’s there, ‘Gah! Goyle!’

Book in a book that I need to read: The Adventures of Fangs Dungaree, Teenage Vampire Cowboy Detective #1: The Case of the Flaming Horseshoe.

Be careful which door you open…

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Once Upon a Blurb

Strange things are happening at Lovecraft Middle School. Rats are leaping from lockers. Students are disappearing. The school library is a labyrinth of secret corridors. And the science teacher is acting very peculiar – in fact, he just might be a monster-in-disguise.  Twelve-year-old Robert Arthur knew that seventh grade was going to be weird, but this is ridiculous!

With the help of some unlikely new friends, Robert discovers there’s more to Lovecraft Middle School than meets the eye. Can he uncover the secrets of the school before it’s too late?

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