Tales from Lovecraft Middle School #3: Teacher’s Pest – Charles Gilman

Illustrations – Eugene Smith

If creepy crawlies aren’t your thing, this is not the book for you. With a cast of over a hundred thousand, they’re absolutely everywhere.

There’s stinging. There’s buzzing. There’s itching. You’re probably going to be compelled to check your hair for lice, just in case.

Best friends Robert, Glenn and Karina are used to going up against the shenanigans of their school’s growing army of baddies by now, but they’re gonna need a bigger can of bug spray for this one.

“This is the most disgusting thing that’s ever happened to us.”

Speaking of bug spray, if there are men in hazmat suits at your school, you probably don’t want to be there that day. Even if the pesticide smells like pancakes.

Howard, who we met in the second book, has a larger role in this one. That’s him on the front cover. Yes, this former model student has developed some diabolical tendencies recently.

Howard the pest

We spend some more time in Tillinghast Mansion, which apparently is a Tardis, and we finally get to see Glenn’s home. I learned I’d get along well with Robert’s hometown teacher, Miss Lynch, who enjoys fun facts as much as I do.

Fun fact: “Flies taste with their feet.”

Eugene Smith’s illustrations are still bringing the humans and not so humans to life.

A lot still needs to be resolved with only one book left in the series. By this time tomorrow I hope to have all of my questions answered.

Until then, remember to keep your mouth closed and always carry some emergency chocolate.

“It’s been a really weird week.”

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Once Upon a Blurb

Don’t be fooled by his friendly smile, his perfect manners, or his shiny red apple. Student council president Howard Mergler is actually a sinister bug-monster in disguise — and he’s summoning swarms of roaches, wasps, fleas, and head lice into the corridors of Lovecraft Middle School!  Twelve-year-old Robert Arthur is the only student who can stop him — but he’ll need help from his best friends: the school bully, the school ghost, and an extremely courageous two-headed rat.

This third novel in the Lovecraft Middle School series begins right where Professor Gargoyle and The Slither Sisters ended — with more action, more adventure and more outrageous monsters!

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