Knights and Bikes #3: Wheels of Legend – Gabrielle Kent

Illustrations – Rex Crowle & Luke Newell

This is the third book in a series that I’d never heard of. The series is based on a video game that I’d never heard of. I’m old, okay?

I knew neither of these things before I started reading. I’d read the blurb and thought it sounded like fun. Now I can tell you that this is a fun book and you don’t need to have read any of the other books in the series or played the video game to enjoy it. I’m helpful like that.

Depending on your perspective, this book will either introduce you to or reacquaint you with the four members of the Penfurzy Rebel Bicycle Club. Best friends Demelza and Nessa are joined by Demelza’s honky pet goose, aptly named Captain Honkers. Together they solve mysteries.

Penfurzy Rebel Bicycle Club

But wait, I hear you say. You said there were four members but you’ve only told us about three. Well spotted.

The fourth member is my favourite character, Sir Calenick, whose body may very well have a mind of its own. The mystery I most want to solve is how his body functions just as well without his head attached. His pickled head. I need to read the other two books so I can spend more time with this knight and learn his backstory.

But for now we’re here to solve a mystery.

‘Penfurzy, and maybe the world, depends on us!’

It’s been almost five months since their last big mystery so this one is overdue. Fortunately, a fair has just arrived that only comes to Penfurzy once every ten years.

‘Mark my words, there’s strange goings on whenever they comes to Penfurzy.’

A ghost train, toffee apples and a mystery to solve? I knew I was going to like this book. There’s also a woman with a powerful voice, snot goblins and a tale of long lost love.

Here to help solve the mystery is Jack, a new friend. You may be familiar with one of his ancestors. I’ve known them since I was a kid and, as we’ve already established, I’m old.

Kid me would have loved this book but definitely would have found the video game first. And read the books in the correct order. They also wouldn’t have had to worry about spoilers. Old me is busy being obsessed with the boombox, complete with cassette tape!

Rex Crowle and Luke Newell’s illustrations bring the action to life. The characters are expressive, with the possible exception of my favourite character. But if you’re either a pickled head or a body with no head attached most of the time, then your opportunities for a wide range of emotions are kind of limited.

The illustrations line up well with the game. I know because I checked. I now want to play the game. I’m also going to be on the lookout for the first two books.

Thank you so much to Walker Books for the opportunity to read this book.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Once Upon a Blurb

A new mystery has rolled onto Penfurzy island and the Rebel Bicycle Club are ready to investigate! Nessa, Demelza and Captain Honkers set off to explore a travelling fun-fair when things begin to get strange. With new friends and a new legend to uncover, the best friends do what they do best: SAVE THE DAY FROM A FATE WORSE THAN HOMEWORK. A mysterious adventure with twists, turns and gross-out caravan invaders guaranteed to make you laugh!

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