The Skull – Jon Klassen

When Otilla runs away, she travels through a dense forest before coming across a house that looks abandoned. When she knocks on the door, Otilla discovers the house is inhabited after all.

Otilla looked up to where the voice had come from. In a window above the door, she saw a skull looking at her.

By a skull that is haunted by a secret.

I’m not quite sure how Otilla managed to get the fire hot enough for one of its purposes. I want to know why Otilla ran away and need to invent more of a backstory for the skull because my macabre-o-meter needs more juice.

This is a beautiful book. A retelling of a Tyrolean folktale, it’s such an odd little story and I have no idea yet if I will fall in love with it during a reread or if the question marks are going to remain above my head.

What I’m absolutely certain of is that I loved the dance and the masks. I adored the quirky illustrations.


I really enjoyed the author’s note, where they explain how this retelling came about.

Thank you so much to Walker Books for the opportunity to read this book.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Once Upon a Blurb

In a big abandoned house, on a barren hill, lives a skull. A brave girl named Otilla has escaped from terrible danger and run away, and when she finds herself lost in the dark forest, the lonely house beckons. Her host, the skull, is afraid of something too, something that comes every night. Can brave Otilla save them both? Steeped in shadows and threaded with subtle wit – with rich, monochromatic artwork and an illuminating author’s note – The Skull is as empowering as it is mysterious and foreboding.

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