The Cat Who Couldn’t Be Bothered – Jack Kurland

I am the cat. The cat is me.

I can’t be bothered.

The cat been asked to participate in adventures, near and far, and every time he says he doesn’t want to. Finally, a friend talks to the cat and finds out why they can’t be bothered. Sometimes we’re sad and even being invited on an adventure isn’t what we need.

I love that this book encourages readers to acknowledge their feelings and not hide them from the people who care about them. By being open about what they’re feeling, the cat’s friends are given the opportunity to offer support.

I really enjoyed the illustrations. The cat is black and white, while his friends are brightly coloured. My favourite illustration featured cat-stronauts and martians.

As someone who is often overwhelmed by the pace of life that we’re all expected to keep up with, I appreciated that this cat reminds us that needing to do absolutely nothing sometimes is okay. I’d argue it’s necessary.

If you need me, I’ll be here doing nothing and not feeling bad about it. You’re welcome to join me.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Frances Lincoln Children’s Books, an imprint of The Quarto Group, for the opportunity to read this picture book.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Once Upon a Blurb

There is a cat. A cat that couldn’t be bothered to do anything … anything at all. His friends ask him if he wants to play but he doesn’t feel like it. They invite him on adventures to far-off places, but he would rather stay at home. Until one day, a friend asks how he is doing, and the true reason why he’d rather do nothing is revealed. He is feeling sad.

This is a story about feelings, friendship and the importance of speaking to someone when you don’t feel right. This beautiful socially aware story:

  • Reassures kids that feeling sad sometimes is normal
  • Helps them understand others’ behaviour and promotes empathy
  • Encourages them to be more in touch with their feelings
  • Provides a sense of fun while also broaching a tricky topic

Both children and adults will love the quirky and hilarious cat’s refusal to take part in anything and the sweet and important message behind this story. It’s never been more important to introduce kids to the importance of mental health. This bright children’s book is an easy way to talk about feelings and looking out for others. It provides an excellent jumping-off point for at-home and classroom discussions about emotional wellbeing and caring for others.

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