Sworn Soldier #1: What Moves the Dead – T. Kingfisher

The dead don’t walk.

Although maybe sometimes they do…

Madeline’s letter was disturbing, enough so that Alex Easton, a Gallacian sworn soldier, and kan horse, Hob, went to the gloomy manor that’s seen better days to see her. Madeline lives there with her twin brother, Roderick, and let’s just say that they’re not doing so well.

“I no longer know what needs to be done.”

This fungi infused reimagining of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Fall of the House of Usher gave me a lake full of stars. It also introduced me to Eugenia Potter, whose enthusiasm endeared her to me immediately. I now need a Miss Potter book so I can spend more time with her.

“I do not know what you know of fungi, but this place is extraordinary!”

The only negative feedback I have is about me. Why did it take this novella so long to reach the top of my TBR pile? I will not be making the same mistake with the sequel.

Favourite no context quote:

“Deer are the ones that go moo.”

Content warnings include mention of death by suicide.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Once Upon a Blurb

When Alex Easton, a retired soldier, receives word that their childhood friend Madeline Usher is dying, they race to the ancestral home of the Ushers in the remote countryside of Ruritania.

What they find there is a nightmare of fungal growths and possessed wildlife, surrounding a dark, pulsing lake. Madeline sleepwalks and speaks in strange voices at night, and her brother Roderick is consumed with a mysterious malady of the nerves.

Aided by a redoubtable British mycologist and a baffled American doctor, Alex must unravel the secret of the House of Usher before it consumes them all.

One thought on “Sworn Soldier #1: What Moves the Dead – T. Kingfisher

  1. Pingback: Sworn Soldier #2: What Feasts at Night – T. Kingfisher – Schizanthus Nerd

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