Stitch – Pádraig Kenny

Illustrations – Steve McCarthy

Stitch didn’t come first. Henry Oaf, his best friend, did. They live in a castle with the Professor, although they haven’t seen him for a while. He asked not to be disturbed while he was resting. That was 328 days ago.

Now Professor Giles Hardacre and his assistant, Alice, have arrived at the castle and things will never be the same.

Stitch, a wannabe explorer who has never left the garden, is learning what he’s made of. Literally and figuratively.

“It doesn’t matter what you’re made from, it doesn’t matter where you came from, all that matters is that you’re a good person.”

Stitch’s story is one of loss and grief but it’s also about self discovery and standing up for what is right, even when it’s difficult. Stitch is an absolute sweetheart.

Steve McCarthy’s cover image is what drew me to this book in the first place, with its Tim Burton vibes and bats. I love the bats pictured throughout this book. The chapter heading illustrations are relevant to the chapter’s content and often mean more once you understand the context.

Even if you’ve never read Frankenstein, pop culture osmosis has likely done its thing, so you’ll be both expecting and dreading the townsfolk bearing torches scene. You’ll desperately hope it doesn’t happen, though, because Stitch is the kind of character that you want to throw yourself in front of the flames for.

He wears his heart on his sleeve, he’s loyal to his friends and he is so adorably innocent. The world is new to him and everything he sees is a marvel. He makes you want to see through his eyes.

“I’ll always be your friend, Stitch. Of that you can be certain. Henry Oaf and Stitch. Friends for ever.”

Thank you so much to Walker Books for the opportunity to read this book.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Once Upon a Blurb

Stitch is not a monster – he’s a creation.

He and his friend Henry Oaf were brought to life by the genius Professor Hardacre, and have spent all their days in a castle deep in the woods, far from humankind. But when the Professor dies and his pompous nephew comes to take over the laboratory, they soon find out that his sights are set not on scientific discovery, but personal glory. And Henry is his next experiment.

Can Stitch and Henry escape his clutches and make their way in a world they were never built for – and may never be ready for them?

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