Ghost Book – Remy Lai

Oxhead and Horseface had one job. I guess underworld training isn’t what it used to be…

We catch up with them twelve years later, when cause has had sufficient time to become effect. We join the effect during Hungry Ghost Month.


July Chen does her very best to pretend she can’t see ghosts, primarily because it upsets her father. July may as well be a ghost herself because she makes no lasting impression on anyone. Her classmates don’t even remember her.


Then she meets ghost boy William Xiao and his floofy companion, Floof. Only ghost boy isn’t actually a ghost. He is a wandering soul and the “luckiest unluckiest boy”. On the plus side, he can remember July!

This was one of my most anticipated graphic novel reads of the year and it didn’t disappoint. I loved July and William as individuals but it was their friendship that sucked me in.

Sometimes I don’t connect as deeply with graphic novel characters as those I meet in novels. This wasn’t the case here. However, I didn’t realise how much I was invested in their friendship until I was surprised by a misty eyed moment.

Unacceptable. Anarchy.

I enjoyed my second read even more than my first. I teared up much earlier but I was also able to appreciate details I missed when I devoured the story the first time.

It was so much fun browsing with underworld inhabitants at the Dire Market. I had trouble choosing the best Hungry Ghost; my current favourite is Needle-throat Ghost. Floof stole my heart and can sit on my head whenever they want.

The illustrations are the perfect complement to the story. There’s some sweet and some creepy. The characters are expressive, particularly June.

This story explores loss, sacrifice and the bonds of friendship and family. I won’t forget my trip to the underworld anytime soon. I hold the author personally responsible for my ongoing craving for dumplings.

A broken heart is a heart that has loved and been loved.

Thank you so much to Allen & Unwin for the opportunity to read this graphic novel. I’m looking forward to reading more books by this author.

Title: Ghost Book
Author: Remy Lai
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Published: 1 August 2023
RRP: AUD $19.99

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Once Upon a Blurb

Twelve years ago, the boy and the girl lived. But one was supposed to die …

July Chen sees ghosts. But her dad insists ghosts aren’t real. So she pretends they don’t exist. Which is incredibly difficult now as it’s Hungry Ghost month, when the Gates of the Underworld open and dangerous ghosts run amok in the living world. When July saves a boy ghost from being devoured by a Hungry Ghost, he becomes her first ever friend. Except William is not a ghost. He’s a wandering soul wavering between life and death. As the new friends embark on an adventure to return William to his body, they unearth a ghastly truth – for William to live, July must die.

Inspired by Chinese mythology, this resoundingly hopeful tale about friendship, sacrifice and the unseen world of ghosts is a dazzling heir to beloved Studio Ghibli classics.

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