Worst Week Ever! #4: Thursday – Eva Amores & Matt Cosgrove

Justin Chase’s mortification began on Miserable Monday, when Nan’s crocheted swimmers were part of the chain reaction that resulted in … Traumatic Tuesday, where Justin (now more widely known as Pool Boy, viral video star), tried to save face at school. Unfortunately for Justin, his face didn’t cooperate, as evidenced by his disastrous school photo. Justin was stranded with his arch-nemesis, Marvin, on Wacky Wednesday. There were robot sharks!

Now it’s Thursday. And it’s time to Wake Up!

The viral video is a gift that keeps on giving. We catch up with Justin as one of his most embarrassing moments attracts worldwide attention (again!), this time as a result of his appearance on a breakfast TV show. Never mind the fact that he looks like he belongs in the circus.

Everything is fine. Nothing to worry about.


And it’s absolutely fine that champion swearer Nan is in arm’s reach of her photo album. It’s not as though she’d ever share humiliating photos of her grandson with a worldwide audience…

The most interactive day yet, Thursday invites you to colour by number, show off your artistic talent and solve some a-mazing puzzles. There’s leaping in and out of cakes, an abundance of cats and the obligatory wardrobe malfunction. Thursday has some fartastic moments and more evidence that this is not the series for readers with emetophobia.

Thursday’s deleted scenes feature such cuties as turtles, polar bear cubs, baby sloths and fluffy birds. My current favourite is the hatted axolotl.


Kid me would have been busy perfecting the secret handshake. Adult me waited as long as they could for the library to purchase this book but couldn’t let any more Thursdays pass without knowing what thorny situations Justin would be facing.

I definitely need a Mia spin-off, if only to see more of her drawings.


How much humiliation can one boy take? The schadenfreude continued unabated on Thunderstruck Thursday and Justin has three more red faced days to go.

Bring on Fraught Friday!

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Once Upon a Blurb

Have you ever had a bad week? Justin Chase sure has and this is it! Monday was mortifying, Tuesday was tumultuous, Wednesday was wild, but now it’s … Thursday! 

Justin’s utterly unwanted celebrity status sees his most embarrassing moments being beamed around the globe! But it’s a case of mistaken identity, creating a kidnapping kerfuffle, that will truly test our hapless hero to his limits.

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