Miss Mary-Kate Martin’s Guide to Monsters #3: The Bother with the Bonkillyknock Beast – Karen Foxlee

Illustrations – Freda Chiu

Mary-Kate’s first two adventures were with her mother, the Prof, and both included very close encounters with the monstrous kind. Granny, who she’s travelling with to Scotland, is into romance novels and the shopping channel so Mary-Kate is confident nothing scary will happen.

Just in case, though, she makes sure to pack a selection of lucky items. You can’t be too careful, after all.

It’s a good thing she does because it isn’t long before Granny tells her the reason they’re travelling to Bonkillyknock Castle. They’re attending the 93rd annual World Society of Monster Hunters’ Conference. This can only mean that small talk is in Mary-Kate’s near future. Maybe she should have packed more lucky items.

Mary-Kate isn’t the only novice monster hunter at the castle. There’s Simon, who we first became suspicious of in the second book, and Millicent, who I loved as soon as I heard she wasn’t on time because she was up late reading the night before.

A Mary-Kate Martin book isn’t complete without a good ol’ monster hunt.

‘There’s been some kind of attack and I need your help.’

This monster has luminous green fur and if that’s not fun enough, allow me to assure you that the castle does have a library.

Mary-Kate is adorable. She’s one of the bravest characters I know; she has anxiety, yet she continues to do things that scare her. I wish kid me would have had the chance to meet her. We would have bonded over glitter pen colour choices and which lucky item was the right one for each circumstance.

I’ve been wanting to spend more time with Granny and she didn’t disappoint. I loved her even more when I heard her say, ‘Yoo-hoo!’

Freda Chiu’s illustrations continue to complement the story, bringing the humans and monsters to life in a way that capture the heart of both.

I can’t wait for the next book. I hope at some point we get to go on an investigation with all three generations of monster hunters – Granny, the Prof and Mary-Kate. I’m looking forward to finding out more about Mary-Kate’s father.

‘I’m definitely not doing anything dangerous ever again.’

Thank you so much to Allen & Unwin for the opportunity to read this book.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Once Upon a Blurb

Mary-Kate and her granny are going to stay at a very quiet castle near a very quiet Loch in the Scottish village of Bonkillyknock. The perfect destination for reading beside fireplaces, going for long walks in galoshes and drinking cups of tea with Granny’s old friends. At least, that’s what Mary-Kate thinks.

However, this is no ordinary reunion – it’s a World Society of Monster Hunters’ conference. So, when an ear-shattering howl interrupts the convention, Mary-Kate isn’t too anxious. After all, the experts are on hand to investigate. 

But when the castle kitchen is turned upside-down and the experts suspect the usually secretive Loch Morgavie monster, Mary-Kate isn’t sure the clues add up. Could there be some other kind of beastly problem bothering Bonkillyknock Castle? 

Miss Mary-Kate Martin might only be a beginner, but she’s determined to get to the end of this monstrous mystery in the third exciting instalment in the Miss Mary-Kate Martin’s Guide to Monsters series.

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