Worst Week Ever! #5: Friday – Eva Amores & Matt Cosgrove

So far, we’ve cat-alogued with shameful delight Justin Chase’s mortification on Miserable Monday, been triggered by Traumatic Tuesday, wigged out on Wacky Wednesday and seen the best/worst bits televised on Thunderstruck Thursday. We’ve seen him cat-apault from insignificance to infamy.

TGIF? Not for Justin Chase. For Justin, today is Fraught Friday.

Can the depths of his despair get any deeper? Well, if the depth of the hole he finds himself in at the beginning of the day is any indication, things are looking pretty dark. The only way from here is up, right?

Friday has running and jump scares and it’s all very cat-astrophic.

Justin screaming

Justin may be scared but he’s no chicken. Oh, wait.

Once again, the cat-aclysm Justin is facing is interactive and includes spot the difference, colour by number and the opportunity to show off your own artistic skills.

Just so you know, there’s cat-egorically nothing to see on the tunnel walls…

There’s a very good chance, with all of the trauma Justin has experienced recently, that he’s going to be cat-atonic by the end of the week. Rats.

While we’re cat-egorising, though, it’s not all cat-erwauling. Nickers may accidentally teach us a lesson about perspective, we get to spend some quality time with Nan and Mia’s art continues to astound me. Then there’s the gratitude that this isn’t a smell-o-book.

Pictures of yummy foods to distract you from the smell

Beware the poo-nami! It’s cat-aractous!

So, what’s the cat-alyst for all of these cat-astrophes? No idea!

I’m looking forward to our Scary Saturday cat-chup.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Once Upon a Blurb

Have YOU ever had a BAD WEEK?

Justin Chase sure has, and this is it!

Against all odds, he somehow survived the trials and torments of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. But now … it’s FRIDAY!

Just when Justin thinks his wacky week can’t get any worse, he’s plunged to a new, all-time low. We’re talking subterranean levels. The actual pits. An abysmal abyss. So prepare to plumb the depths!

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