A Friend for Ruby – Sofie Laguna

Illustrations – Marc McBride

I’m all for judging a book by its cover and this one is absolutely breathtaking. More often than not, though, I choose a book because of who wrote it. Sometimes I get an unexpected bonus, discovering an illustrator whose work I wasn’t already familiar with.

This book, though, I chose to read specifically because I wanted to see more of the illustrator’s work, having fallen in love with their style when I read The Glimme.

This time, it was Sofie Laguna’s words that surprised me, drawing me into Ruby’s world just as much as Marc McBride’s illustrations did.

Ruby has had a rough week at school when she comes across the creature at the beach. Hoping she’s found a new friend, Ruby takes the creature home but quickly learns that caring for it isn’t as easy as she thought it would be.

This is such an adorable book. Ruby is an absolute sweetheart who is yearning for connection. The story majors on friendship and has more heart than I usually find in picture books.

Within its pages you’ll visit the bakery of my dreams and meet one of the most colourful, imaginative creatures you’ll ever encounter.


Kid me would have loved the story, wanted to be friends with Ruby and spent way too much time poring over every detail of the creature. Adult me loves the story and has spent so much time poring over every detail of the creature, marvelling at how the riot of colours don’t seem like they should work so well together but somehow do.

I’m putting my hand up for the bakery’s leftover cakes and hoping that one day I’ll walk into a store and find a plush toy creature to adopt.

This author and illustrator team complement one another brilliantly. I definitely need to clear some space in my TBR pile for the books they’ve written and illustrated that haven’t taken up residence in my heart yet.

Thank you so much to Allen & Unwin for the opportunity to read this picture book.

Title: A Friend for Ruby Author: Sofie Laguna
Illustrator: Marc McBride
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Published: 29 August 2023
RRP: AUD $24.99

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Once Upon a Blurb

Ruby led the creature out into the garden. She drew a dancing circle in the sand. ‘I choose you!’ she said to the creature.

Walking along the beach, Ruby finds a strange creature on the shore. She takes it home, feeds it and makes a bed of straw for it in her cubby – but a cubby is no place for a creature from the sea.

Ruby must draw on all her resources to help the creature find their way home – and perhaps, along the way, she might just find an unexpected friendship.

A whimsical tale of friendship, compassion and resourcefulness, from a wonderfully talented creative team.

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